Friday, November 13, 2009

Online Dating?

I registered for an online dating site as a joke. Now a guy that lives close to me found my profile. The guy is cute and I think we would get along great. What's a good way to break the ice without being creepy?

Online Dating?
Go through what ever on line process the site has. Look, many people meet through the computer these days. Like going to a bar, you still have to be careful, but take a chance on him. What do you have to lose except maybe additional Saturday nights home alone if you don't.
Reply:just stop the calls.
Reply:Thats desperation, net , online relaitonships are sad, no effense, thats for insecure, unattractive, desperate ppl, 98% of online, net relationships NEVER work, stats dont lie, reality doesnt lie, aren't there humans from where u live? that u av to go to the Net ? lol.

If ppl cnt find a partner in the real world den how on earth dey gonna succees on the net, ppl tink them ppl must be bitter, got issues, cant interact, cant socialise etc %26amp; so on so they go on the net to find love but as i said they never rearly work.

You ave pervs, desperate ppl there, online dating is primarly for ppl are in their 70s 80s who r alone and need sumone so they can talk to etc, but really u will never find slim tall attractive ppl online, and if guy is into u then he aint attractive, trust me, if this guy is really cute den y on earth he is checking online dating?.

See it dont make sense, either he is a perv, eoither he has got a fake pic, either he is desperate, cud be many reasons, but if ur gona be weak and fall for this den ur gonan end up alone, isolated, rejected, even unattractive guys end up with slim tall pretty girls so average girls got their work cut out, but it is truly embarassing going online to find sumone, as its desperation, falling into pervs, creeps hands, knowing u cant get anyone in the real world so u must be insecure, unattractive, cant socialise etc.

It doest have to be so bad dat u specially we girls av to go on the net to find love, sex etc lol. so what if u aint slim, tall pretty dont mean its end of the world, der r many chubby guys out der who can show love, affection but as i said even unattractive guys end up wth pretty girls so this guy seems really dodgy, trust me, %26amp; u shud av self respect not to even register der, %26amp; dont say it was a joke, thats an excuse to cover up the embarassment, desperation %26amp; desperation is usually weak, gullable, insecure, unattractive, easily lead, %26amp; always ending up alone, isolated, rejected, trust me this is truue.
Reply:Ok..but I wouldn't do online wouldn't know it that guys was a creep or not. Find dates outside instead. Tell him that you are not interested in him.
Reply:Just chat with him online. That's the beauty of online dating; you can break the ice with someone from the anonymity of your computer, which makes it much easier to be yourself. In the flesh, people tend to read the person they're with (body language, tone of voice, etc.) which does more harm than good when you don't even know that person. Since you can't see that online, that's less one obstacle to worry about.

Talk with him like you would to anyone else online. Be relaxed, be yourself, say what you want to say. After you get to know him a little (probably after a few days of online chatting), suggest meeting somewhere in real life (if you're worried about the stranger factor, pick somewhere relatively busy to meet in the middle of the day). If all goes well, it could be the start of something really good.

Good luck to you. :)

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