Monday, April 12, 2010

Online dating?

why do people do that its so desparate

Online dating?
i know!! thats exactly what I think! I mean it's so stupid! If somebody wants a bf or gf, they should get off theyre lazy butt and go meet ppl. And online, you never know what ppl really are like!
Reply:i dont think its desperate. people just have to trust each other and keep the relationship alive. its difficult, but do-able.
Reply:Sometimes, the online dating thing really works. I have a friend James who has already got a princess from a dating site called He always share with me his happy times spent on the online dating site.
Reply:not desperate at all dear.

Nowadays we use computer for everything!

why not for dating?

why do u use it now to ask this question?

couldn't u ask this question to one of ur real friends?

do u understand what I mean?

I'm against people who find online dating strange, because I met my man on a dating site and I'm very very happy.

I was not desperate at all.

You should understand that online dating is a kind of dating that works alot nowadays.
Reply:No, no, no, it's not desperate. It used to be considered desperate and dangerous, but these days there are lots of people who date online because they really have no opportunity to get out and meet someone. For example, I work at home. I don't have time to go out and get "picked up" (nor do I have a desire to). I figure if it's meant to be, it'll happen, whether it's online or anywhere else.

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